I've been watching one of my favourite TV shows One Tree Hill, and I've noticed every single one of its episodes have been named after songs. Even the Pilot show was itself named One Tree Hill after the song by U2. So I've been inspired, and from here on, my blogs will be named after songs. I may not be as knowledgeable in music as some of the production team behind the show, but I guess most of the stories there are to be told are just old ones being re-told.
my fears.
Following my previous post, we should all realise that there is nothing to fear; Jesus' death atoned for every single sin of humanity and whoever turns to God will be seen blameless because God put us before himself and promised to forget all our sins, because this is the very meaning of forgiveness: to never bring up the past and never use it against us.
Here's what I did: I came to the Cross battered, broken, yes... but through all that, sin still engulfed my heart and I was self-righteous. I said to Jesus, I don't want your sacrifice, I don't deserve it. No, I didn't deserve it, but that wasn't the real reason I didn't accept His sacrifice. The real reason was because I was self-righteous -- I told myself I will accept all the punishment because I can't forgive myself. My own forgiveness was more important to me than God's forgiveness, as if I hurt myself and humanity more than I hurt Him. And so if we lose all in this world, we can still rejoice in our greatest reconciliation, forgiveness from the One we hurt most.
Sometimes I lose my way and I still have fears in my life, but when all the dust has settled the vision of the Cross reminds me that all will be well. With faith, we can see the Truth through the barrier made by our sin, but sometimes when we falter we can lose this God-given power of X-ray vision.
I fear passion. Passion burns inside me, but will I want it too badly? What if I lose track of my motives and something good turns into something selfish, for my own glory, for my own pride and reputation? Do I hide what I feel inside me? Will I be self-serving to be more involved? Does being more make me bigger or God bigger? I know I shouldn't be guided by what they think, but what if I'm wrong and they're right?
I fear love. Love is God's greatest gift, but what if we mistake something else for love? Should I avoid it altogether, will it be easier to be alone? Do I fight attraction? Isn't non-physical attraction godly enough? Am I making excuses?
I fear conceit. What if I'm reading into everything wrong? What if I'm so caught up in the way I see things that I've become blind? Am I being naive, have I seen everything from every single perspective? And what if I try to? Will I get caught up in a lie?
Of course these are the ramblings of a sinful madman. God has all the answers, the Cross is the answer.
God will prepare your heart for whatever He has in store for you. Your passion can be lived out as He guards your heart.
Everything has a season. Love will blossom, and He will prepare your heart for that season.
When God promised your salvation, the infallible nature of the covenant stemmed from forgiveness and guidance. In His presence, anything is achievable.
"This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declared the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Jeremiah 31:33
You see, He forgive us, He will help us be better, more godly people, He will be our Comforter, and nothing can ever pluck us from His hand (John 10:28).
This post is named after the song by Charlie Rich
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